Model building in economics post-1980 vs. pre-1980

  • Lawrence A. Boland FRSC y Simon Fraser University


There are many methodology articles about model building in economics that distinguishes models from theories. Most were criticisms against the overuse of formal mathematics in economics. Proponents of using and developing formal mathematical models of economic theories defended this by claiming that mathematics is just a language, nothing more. But as Axel Leijonhufvud noted, ‘English is a language too’.

The latest generation of economic model builders do not understand such criticisms as they do not see a meaningful distinction between models and theories whenever that distinction is to be based on mathematics because theory today is seen as being any model involving mathematics. If any distinction is to be made, it will be between theoretical versus empirical models.

This article will explain the various ways model building has changed in the last 30 years and how some model builders are returning to the old idea of a model of economics where mathematics is not the central aspect of model building.

Biografía del autor/a

Lawrence A. Boland, FRSC y Simon Fraser University
Lawrence Boland es profesor de economía en la Universidad Simon Fraser (Canadá). Ha escrito numerosos artículos y libros sobre epistemología y filosofía de la economía. Entre sus contribuciones más recientes cabe mencionar las siguientes: Popper as Supporter of Austrian Economics: Equilibrium Process vs. Equilibrium Attainment, in A. Borghini and S. Gatteipp (eds) Karl Popper oggi: una riflessione multidisciplinare, 2011; Microeconomics and methodology, in Bougrine, Parker and Seccareccia (eds) Introducing Microecomic Analysis, 2010; Maki on 'Friedman 1953' Economics and Philosophy, 2010; Cartwright on 'Economics' Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 2010.
Cómo citar
Boland, L. (2013). Model building in economics post-1980 vs. pre-1980. Filosofía De La Economía, 1(1), pp. 5-24. Recuperado a partir de
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