From Episteme to Institution: An Interview with Philip Mirowski

  • Philip Pilkington Kingston University


The interview gives an extremely comprehensive overview of Mirowski’s work and, I think, provokes answers that may not be found in any of his previously published books or journal articles. As the reader will soon appreciate his work is remarkably diverse and almost appears to lack structure. To think this, however, is to be mistaken. There is a very discernible structure in the trajectory of Mirowski’s work. Indeed, it seems to be an identical structure that is found in the trajectory of the work of the philosopher who most closely resembles Mirowski. I have in mind, of course, Michel Foucault.

Biografía del autor/a

Philip Pilkington, Kingston University
Philip Pilkington es miembro del Grupo de Investigación de Política Económica (PERG) en la Universidad de Kingston. Ha escrito sobreteoría económica para numerosas publicaciones de amplia difusión,tales como Naked Capitalism, mantiene un blog llamado Fixing theEconomists y entre sus aportes originales se encuentra un enfoquealternativo de valoración de activos aún en desarrollo. Asimismo, desarrollaactividades profesionales como periodista económico independiente.
Cómo citar
Pilkington, P. (2013). From Episteme to Institution: An Interview with Philip Mirowski. Filosofía De La Economía, 1(2). Recuperado a partir de