• Laura Gastaldi Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria - Estación Experimental Rafaela. Ruta 34, Km 227 (2300). Rafaela, Santa Fe. Argentina.
  • Daniel Miguez Oficina de Riesgo Agropecuario. Ministerio de Agricultura Ganadería y Pesca. Av. Paseo Colón 922. (C1063ACW) Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Argentina.


This paper presents the stage of development of agricultural index insurances in Argentina. Market penetration and five-year commercial prospects are analyzed using survey data from a sample of data provided of insurance companies. The majority of the parametric insurance approved by the National Insurance Superintendence in Argentina are designed to cover rainfall events for typical agricultural activities in the Pampas region, with little development for regional productions and/or areas outside the Pampas. One third of the insured companies currently offers this type of insurance, although sales level is null to medium. In the medium term, insurers perception of commercialization level of this type of insurance for crops and livestock is considered acceptable. Insurance companies agree on the importance of public-private programs to expand market, and the need of adequate climate data to improve the design and fit of these coverages to farmers.


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How to Cite
Gastaldi, L., & Miguez, D. (2022). INDEX INSURANCE FOR AGRICULTURE. CURRENT SITUATION AND MARKET VISION OF INSURANCE COMPANIES. Revista De Investigación En Modelos Financieros, 1, 17-31. Retrieved from