Latitud Sur is a scientific journal that has been annual since the beginning, even though, since 2022 it has been published semiannually in July and December,, by the Center for Research in Latin American Studies for Development and Integration (CEINLADI), of the School of Economic Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires, under the general direction of Prof. María de Monserrat Llairó, the coordination of Prof. Priscila Palacio (Scientific editor) and the Editorial Board. The first issue of Latitud Sur came to light in 2006, as a project intended to facilitate the dissemination of knowledge generated as a result of CEINLADI research, but also to create a space for publication and debate on economic problems, social and political issues, that concern Latin America and its international insertion. To this end, Latitud Sur receives publications from professionals, teachers, and researchers from different academic, governmental, and non-governmental institutions, national and foreign.

It is an interdisciplinary publication that has been financed with funds from research project grants from the University of Buenos Aires, and is currently edited by the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires. Since 2010 Latitud Sur has been registered in the LATINDEX, which has represented an important encouragement and support for the research disseminated through the journal. To this is added that, from 2016, the Journal is digitized in the Scientific Publications System - OJS (Open Journal Systems), administered by the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires.

In order to guarantee the quality of its publications, Latitud Sur has the endorsement of prestigious academics from Universities in Latin America and Europe, who make up the International Advisory Council. The reception of publication proposals is open to the entire academic community, between March to September of each year, as long as they are in accordance with the theme of the social sciences, and meet the guidelines required for that purpose. The works are submitted to an evaluation and arbitration process - as detailed in the rules section for authors and peer evaluation, both by members of the Editorial Council and the International Advisory Council.




Original works will be received for publication, as a result of empirical research or theoretical essays that imply a contribution to the analysis of Latin American socio-economic, political or cultural reality, as well as book reviews. The papers are received between February and August of each year and must be sent in digital version to the mail of Latitud Sur (latitudsurojs@gmail.com) with special clarification that the work is intended for the journal * Latitud Sur *, in Word format, Times New Roman font, size 12, single line spacing. The language of the text can be Spanish or Portuguese.

The notes must be at the foot of the page with Arabic correlative numbering. The number of characters with space in the articles must be between 24.000 and 45.000, including notes and bibliography. For reviews, the total length must not exceed 8.000 characters with space. Graphics, maps or illustrations will be sent in a separate file, in JPG or PDF format with sufficient resolution for printing. In all cases, the authorized sources of the data or illustrations should be mentioned.

The originals must be submitted already reviewed and, in the case of papers, a summary of the work in no more than five lines (350 characters) must be attached. Also, both for articles and reviews, it should be indicated between three and five keywords and a short biography of the author (in footnote, synthesized in no more than five lines). The title, the abstract of the work, the author's biography, and the keywords must be submitted in Spanish or Portuguese and English (two languages are mandatory). Bibliographic citations in the notes or bibliography will follow the format required by the APA standards.

The works are submitted to external arbitration processes (detailed below).



The evaluation process is doubly blind. That is, the evaluators do not know who the authors are, and the authors do not know who the evaluators are. The articles are initially reviewed by the Editorial Committee, which checks that they satisfy the formal requirements and this editorial policy; If the articles do not meet the established requirements, they are rejected. In case of complying with them, they are admitted. Then, each admitted article or review is evaluated by two external referees, outside the editorial team and the publishing institution. In case of disparity in the opinions, the last decision is made by the Editorial Committee and/or from the magazine management. If there is no disparity between the referees, the final decision regarding the publication of the articles and reviews is made based on the opinions of the external evaluators, requiring two favorable recommendations for publication. The possible opinions are the following: accepted, accepted with minor changes, accepted with major changes and rejected. The evaluation process takes two to four months.



Latitud Sur is a scientific journal that has been annual since the beginning, even though, since 2022 it has been published semiannually in July and December. The call for the presentation of articles for each issue opens between the months of February and August of each year. The norms for the presentation of articles are published in the section of “norms for the authors”.

This publication adheres to the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system, an open source program developed by Stanford University, which guarantees the journal a permanent and secure archive. 



This journal provides immediate free access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public encourages greater global knowledge sharing.



This journal adheres to the norms established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (Code of Conduct and Best Practices Guidelines for Journals Editors, COPE) https://publicationethics.org/guidance/Guidelines



The author is responsible for the content of the proposed work. The Editorial Board and the International Advisory Board of the journal have, among others, the function of detecting situations of plagiarism, through an "exhaustive internet search". If possible plagiarism is detected, the author of the work will be notified and, if confirmed, the work will be excluded from any possibility of publication in the journal. Likewise, in case of recidivism, the Editorial Board reserves the right to exclude the author from the possibility of proposing new works for future editions of the magazine.



University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Research Center in Latin American Studies for Development and Integration


María de Monserrat Llairó - University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Economic Sciences


Priscila Palacio - University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Economic Sciences


Levy, Bernardo - University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Economic Sciences

Llairó, María de Monserrat - University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Economic Sciences

Ossona, Jorge - University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Economic Sciences

Palacio, Priscila - University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Economic Sciences

Scavone, Graciela - University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Economic Sciences



Billig, Osvlado - Centro Universitário Dinâmica das Cataratas, Brazil

Bizzozero, Lincoln - University of the Republic, Uruguay

Bodemer, Klaus - University of Hamburg, Germany

Bueno, Clodoaldo - Paulista State University, Brazil

Cairo, Heriberto - Complutense University of Madrid, Spain

Krzywicka, Katarzyna - Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland

Little, Roch – Externado University, Colombia

Pajovic, Slobodan - Megatrend University, Serbia

Pavlakis, Efthimia - Kapodistric University of Athens, Greece

Quatrocci, Diana - Institut des Amériques, Francia

Rein, Raanan - Tel Aviv University, Israel

Ross, César - University of Santiago de Chile, Chile

Saint Pierre, Héctor - Paulista State University, Brazil