How Crucial is the Technological Content of Exports of a Country in its Level of Economic Development?

  • Daniel Schteingart
Keywords: International division of labor, Technological content of exports, R&D


In this article we analyze the relationship between the technological content of exports of countries and their level of economic development. Based on the study of the technological content of exports of 63 countries (which represent 95% of total world exports), our hypothesis is that the association between the two variables is not so robust. In this sense, although most of the countries that do export medium and high technology manufactures are developed (and viceversa), there are several exceptions to this rule. Thus, we qualify the claim for which there is a necessary link between the higher technological content of exports of a country and its level of economic development. It is for this reason that in this study we included a control variable, that is, the expenditure on research and development (R&D) as a percentage of GDP. The empirical evidence dis-played in this article will attempt to show that this latter variable seems to have a more intense correlation withthe economic development than the composition of exports of a country.


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How to Cite
Schteingart, D. (2015). How Crucial is the Technological Content of Exports of a Country in its Level of Economic Development?. H-Industria. Journal of the History of Industry and Development in Latin America, (16), 195-224. Retrieved from
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