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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

The articles that are proposed for inclusion must meet, in addition to the requirements of quality and disciplinary interest, with the following editorial criteria for the submission of originals.

Submission format: Submissions must be made in electronic format to the e-mail address sic@fce.uba.ar. The file should be in Word for Windows format. If it contains graphs, tables, tables, images or others, they should be added in Excel, to facilitate editing in printed and digital formats. 

Extension: Papers with a minimum length of 3000 words and a maximum of 8000 words will be accepted (without considering the bibliography and annexes). Editions of previous issues can be accessed from the following links for a better understanding of the guidelines included in this document.

General guidelines

The general guidelines for the presentation of works are those that are stated below.

  • Works must not be published already.
  • When submitting the work, the author/authors must state that it is original and that it has not been postulated for another publication, or for consideration in any other organizations. For this purpose, a signed Declaration of Originality will be attached. In the case of works written by more than one author, it must be signed by all of them.
  • Should include a first page in which the title and name of the author/s will be stated.
  • The summarized curriculum vitae (if it is a single author: 10 lines; two authors: 7 lines; more than two: 5 lines) of the authors will be included, indicating -through the highlight- what information (on academic training and performance) they want to be associated with the identification of the document.
  • The postal address, e-mail address and telephone number of at least one of the authors will be mandatory to notify them of the evaluation of the work.


The work should be structured in headings and sub-headings, avoiding as much as possible an excessive number of levels of disaggregation. It is required to contain a SUMMARY of the structure of the work that allows avoiding omissions or distortions. The basic structure of the works should be as follows:

  1. Title
  2. Summary (in Spanish and / or Portuguese -if applicable- and in English). It should consist of no more than 100 words through which the main ideas are recorded. Include an English version.
  3. Keywords (in Spanish and / or Portuguese -if applicable- and in English). The inclusion of a minimum of five keywords is requested (in Spanish and English). They must indicate the central themes or concepts that are presented in the body of the work and their objective is to facilitate the subsequent bibliographic cataloging of the work in the databases
  5. Introduction. The inclusion of an initial section or epigraph that serves as an introduction to the work is recommended in which the problems, objectives, hypotheses, methods, background and context of the research can be collected.
  6. Theme Development (Body of Work)
  7. Conclusions, Suggestions or Recommendations
  8. Bibliography
  9. Annexes: They will refer to external information or data that adequately complement the contents of the work (they may be deleted in the final printing)


Bibliographic references

Bibliographic references or citations will be annotated within the text itself and will only be accepted by the APA system, for example: (Mattessich, 1995, p. 150) In the case of direct citations that involve verbatim transcriptions, if they are short, they will be included within the text itself In quotation marks and, if long, after the text at a smaller font size and with a margin.

Footnotes page

Bibliographic citations should not be collected at the foot of the page, the footnotes will only be used for clarifications, extensions, clarifications or complementary discussions to the work.


It will be recorded in alphabetical (ascending) and chronological form To standardize the wording in order to facilitate its consultation, the following format is proposed that has the greatest consensus in research works at an international level: Last name / s of the author in capital letters, followed by comma and the initial of the name / s followed by a period, or of the body that corresponds to the authorship of the corresponding publication; year of publication in parentheses and:

  • if it is a book: title in bold; eat; city;
  • if it is an article: title in quotation marks; eat; Magazine in italics, Year or Volume and number, month, p. xx-xx

Drawings and other aids

Drawings, graphs, tables, photographs, images and flow charts must be clear, be titled and contain the source of elaboration (even if it was their own).

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.