Open Journal Systems (OJS) is open source journal management software created by the Public Knowledge Project, released under the GNU General Public License. On this site, you will be able to consult all the academic journals of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires.


  • Anuario Centro de Estudios Económicos de la Empresa y el Desarrollo

    ISSN 1852-5784 | eISSN 2545-8299

    Anuario Centro de Estudios Económicos de la Empresa y el Desarrollo is a semestral publication of economic history, business history and economic and industrial development. Its indexed in Latindex Catálogo 2.0, ERIH PLUS and REDIB and it's in the Núcleo Básico de Revistas Científicas y Tecnológicas Argentinas.

  • Cycles in history, economy and society

    CYCLES in history, economy and society is an academic space to publish research papers by Argentine and foreign authors from different social sciences, with reference to contemporary issues and a historical perspective. Its pages deal with historical and current problems of the Argentine and world reality, trying to stimulate the broadest debate of ideas, being open to all intellectual and academic currents, with the only selective criterion of the relevance of the topic and the rigor in the analysis. The journal is biannual, it is published in June and December.

  • Contabilidad y Auditoría

    ISSN 1515-2340 (print version) | ISSN 1852-446X (online version) | ISSN 1851-9202 (e-mail version)

    Contabilidad y Auditoría is a biannual publication that aims to give visibility to studies, lectures and essays on accounting issues treated with conceptual and methodological rigor.

  • Cuadernos del CIMBAGE

    ISSN 1666-5112 | eISSN 1669-1830

    Cuadernos del CIMBAGE is a biannual journal, which includes works on applications of logic and mathematics to management and economics. Its objective is to increase the understanding and dissemination of innovative applications to these topics and to promote collaboration and exchange between mathematicians, philosophers, epistemologists, social scientists and specialists in economic sciences (actuaries, administrators, accountants and economists).

  • H-industria. Journal of the History of Industry and Development in Latin America

    ISSN 1851-703X

    H-industria is a biannual publication specialized in topics of the history of industry and development in Latin America. Its purpose is to disseminate original research, promote contact between researchers and encourage debate and critical discussion on the central problems of the economic development of the region.

  • Revista del Centro de Estudios de Sociología del Trabajo (CESOT)

    ISSN impreso 1852-4648 | ISSN en línea 1852-494X

    Revista del Centro de Estudios de Sociología del Trabajo is an arbitred annual publication of an interdisciplinary nature, oriented to disseminate the results of theoretical and emipirical studies, and to simulate current debates in the organizational field and  in socio-labbor issues 

  • Journal of Political Economy of Buenos Aires

    ISSN 1850-6933 | eISSN 1853-1350

    The Revista de Economía Política de Buenos Aires (Journal of Political Economy of Buenos Aires), a semi-yearly journal published by Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad de Buenos Aries (School of Economic Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires), focused on the dissemination of research writings in every field of economics, attaching importance to academic quality and ideological diversity

    The journal proposes a permanent open call system, aimed at researchers, professors, post-graduate students and graduate students, national and international.

  • Revista de Investigación en Modelos Financieros

    ISSN: 2250-687X         ISSN (En línea): 2250-6861 

    La Revista de Investigación en Modelos Financieros de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad de Buenos Aires es una publicación bianual, que se propone como un espacio de articulación entre los investigadores que trabajan sobre modelos financieros, sus vinculaciones con los distintos mercados y con la sociedad. Los trabajos son sometidos a un proceso editorial que se desarrolla en varias fases, comenzando por un referato a doble ciego. Esta publicación tiene un comité científico integrado por reconocidos académicos nacionales e internacionales, que le otorga un claro perfil global y un alto nivel de calidad científica. La revista forma parte del directorio de publicaciones científicas Latindex – CONICET.

  • Philosophy of Economics

    Anual Journal of the Center of Epistemology of Economic Sciences, School of Economics, University of Buenos Aires

  • Revista de Investigación Interdisciplinaria en Métodos Experimentales

    ISSN: 2314-1123 (en línea) / 2314-1115 (impreso)

    La Revista de Investigación Interdisciplinaria en Métodos Experimentales de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad de Buenos Aires es una publicación anual que se propone como un espacio de articulación entre los investigadores de diversas disciplinas aplicando metodologías experimentales. Esta publicación tiene un comité científico integrado por reconocidos académicos nacionales e internacionales, que le otorga un claro perfil global y un alto nivel de calidad científica.

  • Latitud SUR (Online) ISSN 2683-9326

    ISSN 2683-9326

    Latitud Sur is a scientific journal that has been annual since the beginning, even though, since 2022 it has been published semiannually in July and December, by the Center for Research in Latin American Studies for Development and Integration (CEINLADI), of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires, under the general direction of Prof. María de Monserrat Llairó, the coordination of Prof. Priscila Palacio (Scientific editor) and the Editorial Board. The first issue of Latitud Sur came to light in 2006, as a project intended to facilitate the dissemination of knowledge generated as a result of CEINLADI research, but also to create a space for publication and debate on economic problems, social and political issues, that concern Latin America and its international insertion. To this end, Latitud Sur receives publications from professionals, teachers, and researchers from different academic, governmental, and non-governmental institutions, national and foreign.

  • Cuadernos del CEDEOP

    The magazine is focused on the analysis of public policies and bureaucracies, both functional and dysfunctional. We seek to reflect the new recurring patterns in public decisions that allow a deeper and more explanatory scientific study of the phenomenon. Our epistemological approach is broad, since we range from objectivist approaches to interpretative and qualitative ones. We have an agile and expeditious refereeing system.

  • Interdisciplinary Journal of Agrarian Studies

    La Revista Interdisciplinaria de Estudios Agrarios es una publicación académica, editada en el marco de las actividades del Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios Agrarios de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, que tiene como finalidad difundir investigaciones y promover el debate sobre temas agrarios desde la perspectiva de las ciencias sociales, económicas, históricas, antropológicas, geográficas y políticas.